Launch of the five targeted calls for strategic project proposal: deadline 01-02-2019

The five targeted calls for strategic project proposals have been launched. The calls are opened for the following Priority Axes:

  • the first and the second targeted calls are opened for Priority Axis 2 Integrated Environmental Management, Specific Objective 2.1 “Valorisation of cultural heritage and natural resources as a territorial asset of the Programme Area”;
  • the 1st Targeted Call Gr-It    MIS Call Code 3386;
  • the 2nd Targeted Call Gr-It   MIS Call Code 3388.

The third targeted call is opened for Priority Axis 2 Integrated Environmental Management, Specific Objective 2.2,“Improvement of joint management and governance plans for biodiversity of coastal and rural ecosystems, paying attention on natural resources and protected areas and development of environmental. The 3rd Targeted Call Gr-It  - MIS Call Code 3389.

The fourth targeted call is opened for Priority Axis 3 Cross Border and Sustainable Transport System, Specific Objective 3.1 “Boosting maritime transport, short-sea shipping capacity and cross-border ferry connectivity”. The 4th Targeted Call Gr-It - MIS Call Code 3392.

The fifth targeted call is opened for Priority Axis 1 Innovation and Competitiveness, Specific Objective 1.1 “Delivering innovation support services and developing clusters across borders to foster competitiveness”. The 5th Targeted Call - MIS Call Code 3393.

According the decision of 20 december 2018, (Targeting Calls_deadline extension) the deadline for the submission has been extended to 01/02/2019 (24:00 Italian time).
You can download here, the Application Package and the supporting documents:

  • Applicant Package 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Targeted Calls;
  • Applicant Package 5th Targeted call;
  • Supporting documents.

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Pubblicato il 08 novembre 2018